I also have received some very bad news I have been processing which led me to no creative juices, plus a bad football game loss for baby bro just has a yielded a high stress frying week!
How do I decompress? I run and when that doesn't work I ride :)

So last week was a lot of time on horseback and some running.
And here is what I learned yesterday running during the death march 20 as I'm calling it.
1) 6 20+ mile runs in a 2 1/2 month span is hard on the body especially when your first 20 EVER was the first 20 of that cycle. Yes this means I've done one roughly every other week since September 1.
2) Running when you wake up feeling naseuas, drained and like a gigantic elephant is sitting on your chest will yield shortness of breath and generally no energy. Just say no and go back to sleep.
3) RECOVER. I never allowed my body to recover post marathon. 2 weeks later I did a 20 mile run. Of course my body is sore, sick and tired. It is DONE!!
4) Pick a flat route :) KC is deceptively hilly. It is a hard run and when you are already unmotivated you will die painfully on a hill.
5) When your run is 2 minutes off your pace and 2 miles shorter then planned still yields major soreness or exhaustion, you know this means it is time for a break so listen!
Yes, this week I promise to go easy. I will try not to do another 20 before January. I will try not to run over 16 before then too. I will swim more this week maybe bike some, but it is not the end of the world if I don't hit 40+ miles this week. I AM NOT IN TRAINING!! I need to remember that. Yes, I have a half coming up, but I'm running marathon miles. So this is my pledge I will take it easy and I will give my body the break it's screaming for because emotionally, physically and mentally I'm drained.
How do you decompress when you are stressing out? How do you get your running legs back after a big race?
P.S How do I respond better to comments with blogger? I am just not thrilled that unlike wordpress it doesn't have an email button, but I don't think anyone is coming back to read if I comment in the comments? Know I do read and appreciate them! I also check our your blogs, just don't have time to comment all the time :) Love you all!
wow -- you have been doing a lot of training. Running is how I decompress -- when that doesn't work, I craft. it keeps my mind occupied...if I don't feel the craft bug, I read...I really enjoy reading.
ReplyDeleteWhen I receive an email that I have a comment, I reply back to the person who commented -- that is if they have an email available. But I also have my comment set to be moderated.
that is a lot of 20's! hope you can rest up a bit!
ReplyDeleteI decompress with a long, hot shower!
ReplyDeleteand about the tat, it hurts, but nothing unbearable, especially if you get something small, go for it!
I'm a big believer in taking 1 or 2 weeks off every year. It gives your body the chance to repair any damage it had gotten behind on, and helps greatly to prevent injuries like stress fractures.
ReplyDeleteIt's not easy to do, but it sure beats having to takes months off for an injury!
Wow girl that is a lot of running! Found you via Skinny runner. I tend to get overwhelmed if ALL I do is run! If I run 2 days one week, 3 days the next with loads of cross training I am golden. If I do more then that, then BAM. Injury! Plus some serious physical and mental drainage! When you get to be my age you will see what I mean :)
ReplyDeleteCant wait to read more!
Run on